[dropcap]G[/dropcap]reetings to all, I hope this message finds you in good spirits. Congratulations to the newly installed Line of Officers of your Valley for 2012! Let’s support these Brothers by our attendance at our Stated Meetings and other Valley events. I am particularly appreciative to those of you who attended the Annual Installation of Officers on Sunday, January 8th.
I am very proud of our new members. The Spring Reunion Class has adopted a project. That project is to provide transportation to those members of our Valley who for a multitude of reasons are not able to attend as they can not drive at night. Now that my Brothers and Sisters, is what Masonry is about! If you know of a Brother who is in such a situation, please get hold of Frankie Rosario at (714) 600-6914 or Mike Selix at (714) 322-5950.
Attendance at our Stated Meetings is something each of you needs to consider. We are blessed to have a hearty core of members who attend regularly. Oh I know there are conflicts in calendars, I have them as well. But, please try to attend and support the Valley by your participation. This is critical with respect to he Officers Corps. If you as an Officer of the Valley find that you can not attend a meeting or other function, it is your responsibility to call your presiding officer. Your attendance is critical to the success of the Valley.
I extend my compliments to the Officers who served the Valley for 2011. A good year in many ways but particularly since we
had 17 new members!
Get involved, my Brother; you can make a difference!
Ray Godeke
I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is ‘when you still have something on the ball, but you
are just too tired to bounce it.’