Ill. Ralph C. Shelton II, 33°
As February opens, we have much to celebrate and much to consider. February is the month of Valentine’s Day as well as President’s Day. For our Valley, it is the beginning for our Heads of Bodies and their officers, and as we progress through the month, an opportunity to consider our exciting improvements for our Valley. And it all ties together with the Masonic concept of love, compassion and charity.
First, let’s look at a big improvement from your Valley leadership. We have, since our inception, met on the first Monday of the month. In response to the comments of many of our members, we realize that the first week of the month is a very, very busy one, and that our Stated Meeting date conflicts with some craft lodges. So, to address these issues, you will see a proposed resolution elsewhere in this newsletter that will enable us to meet at a less conflicting time – the second Monday of each month. Additionally, our current location has been a challenge for many of our members who are located to the south, so, after discussing our options and reaching out to some Hall Associations, we are happy to share that we have formed a relationship with Orange Masonic Center. For anyone north of Irvine, this represents only a small change, but for our South County brethren, this can be a travel time savings of 45 minutes to an hour. So, assuming that the bylaw revision passes in March, we will commence meeting at 71 Plaza Square on the second Monday of May – be sure to mark your calendars accordingly.
Those of you we have not seen in a while will find a very vibrant and motivated membership when you come to meetings – interesting programs, a welcoming environment and our new Valley Heads of Bodies. And mark your calendars for a few returning events we haven’t seen in a while. At our May Stated, we will have as a special guest one of our own Valley members, and the Deputy Grand Master of Masons in California, Right Worshipful and Illustrious Arthur Salazar. In years past, we hosted the DGM annually, and he always shared his vision of the coming Masonic year, and we are pleased to bring this event back. Keep in mind that ALL MASONS are invited to attend, and we will be inviting the officers and members of our area lodges to join us. While they won’t be in the brief and efficiently run business meeting, they can join us for dinner and RW & Ill. Salazar’s presentation, and hopefully mingle with the members of the Grand Family that may join him.
I am pleased to share that our Knights of St. Andrew are coming together nicely, and you are all encouraged to meet and greet these Masters of the Royal Secret who will serve our Valley in a supporting role. This year has already seen the return of the Honormen’s Dinner, and there is much more to come.
I look forward to seeing you at our Stated Meetings in Anaheim in February and March, as we prepare to move to our new home, and to have you on hand when we celebrate our new home, our Deputy Grand Master visit, and so much more new, revived and exciting activity in our Valley. Each of you will find their own place in the Valley once again, and your leadership will be there to help you settle in.