Welcome to the month of October, the month when all the ghosts, goblins, vampires, were-wolves, and aliens come forth. I personally love Halloween, what about you? I’m really looking for-ward to Halloween this year because my 4-year-old is going to wear the same costume I wore when I was four. For those of you that have known me for any length of time it will probably not surprise you that my love of reptiles extends so far back, it’s a dinosaur costume… should be fun!
September was a busy month for the Orange County Scottish Rite, we started the month on Satur-day the 8th with the first day of our fall reunion class, then had our stated meeting on Monday the 10th, then moved onto our Super Breakfast Sunday the 23rd, and finished out the month on Saturday the 29th with of second day of our fall reunion class. Thank you to all the brothers that attended and an especially big thankyou to all the broth-ers who worked both behind the curtain and in front of it to make it happen!
Here are your Masonic tidbits for the month of October. On October 12th 1911 Brother Franklin D. Roose-velt (United States President 1933-1945) received his Entered Apprentice Degree in Holland Lodge No. 8, in New York City. On October 30th 1937 Brother Lyndon B. Johnson (United States President 1963 – 1969) received his Entered Apprentice Degree in Texas.
Scott Davis, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master