Greetings Brethren,

I’d like to thank the brethren for their recent support as my wife and I are proud to announce the birth of our second child, a daughter named Leona Lynn born on September 24th. I wasn’t able to attend our last stated communication and I also thank Brother Cervantes for filling in for me while I stayed home bonding with family. Our son Quinn is very excited to be a big brother and my wife and child are also both doing well. We feel incredibly blessed.
At our Valley meeting next month, we’ll have a Cap & Ring ceremony following dinner and I ask the brethren to take an interest in our new member. Undoubtedly, our newest Master of the Royal Secret might be interested to know about our several philanthropic endeavors and/or opportunities to discuss the several degrees recently attended. I know I was quite overwhelmed when I first received the Scottish Rite Degrees. These are perfect introductions as we cultivate our newer relationships but another opportunity to extend the hand of brotherhood.
Nothing else much to report from my office as I’m still getting used to the midnight hours of being a new daddy again!
Fraternally, & Sincerely,
Brandon Cook, 32°
Master of Kadosh