In the prologue to the 4th Degree, we are instructed:
“You must learn to work for the work’s sake, with-out desire of approbation or reward. Work and action have their own rewards. It is the duty of a man who seeks and accumulates greater knowledge to know and practice those ethical and moral principles which demonstrate Man’s highest, and most noble nature.”
One of the ways we can collectively accumulate greater knowledge in the Scottish Rite is through service to our Brethren new and old! Over the last several years, I’ve worked with Ill. Bob Hjorth to improve and increase the quality and number of Degrees we’ve performed for our incoming Brothers. I’ve been blessed to have been surrounded by a core group of men who have worked very hard with us to put on more and more degrees. And now I offer this opportunity to you all. This is a call to action for all of us to practice the duties we obligate ourselves to in the 4th Degree. To per-form the duties required of us for the sake of those who come after us! We are always in need of help around the Valley. Wheth-er it’s setting up or cleaning up after a Stated Meeting, performing in Degrees during Reunions, setting up the Lodge Room for the Degree work, etc. I am seeking out some willing Brothers who will stand up and help us to continue to build on the legacy of this great Valley! Please reach out to me if you happen to be interested in being involved. I can be reached at:!
In closing, I would like to publicly acknowledge Ill. Bob Hjorth for his 12 years of service as Director of The Work for our Valley. It is his legacy on which I will endeavor to build upon. These are big shoes to fill, I hope I am equal to the task. I’d also like to take a minute to thank both Ill. Hjorth and Ill. Rick Wood for their faith in me as we started this little adventure, and for their mentorship over the years. Without them going along with my ideas, we would not be offering more degrees dur-ing our reunions! And finally, thank you to our new Personal Representative, Hon. Frankie Rosario for giving me this contin-ued opportunity to serve all of you as Director of The Work.
James Cervantes, 32º
Director of The Work