
Whenever I finish working on a Super Breakfast I always have the same reflection. The reflection on how fun it is to work with a group of guys on a project and achieve good results. The Commander is responsible for organizing the event, but it is really the Team of Brothers that makes this a success. At the end of the Super Breakfast I went home with a big smile, grateful for the time I spent with the Brothers and families.
I think we all recognize that Teamwork in business is crucial. Colleagues must work together and try their best for the business to succeed. In the Lodge, teamwork is just as important for us to enjoy the Masonic experience. In other words, the enjoyment we might receive from attending Lodge will be improved by the strength of our Team. We all need to bring our individual skills, talents and constructive feedback to the Lodge, so our Fraternity can grow and prosper.
The November Stated Meeting should be considered a must attend for everyone. We are welcoming some new Brothers to the OC Scottish Rite Valley as well as some other ceremonies. I hope everyone is able to attend and remembers to RSVP to the office.
David Frias, 32°