[dropcap]G[/dropcap]reetings from the Lodge of Perfection. This is wonderful month for the Irish as we get to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th. Also, almost every Masonic dinner will have corned beef and cabbage. Is that good?
Our Stated Meeting this month will honor EL Bekal Shrine and their members. Our Secretary, Bill Sizemore, 32⁰ KCCH, is this years’ Potentate, so he will become Illus-trious Bill Sizemore at our meeting. Plan to attend and honor our Shrine Nobles.
The February Stated meeting had the first presentation of the Century Club pins and that was highlighted by David Kussman, 32⁰ KCCH, receiving a silver one designat-ing his cumulative donation of $500. At dinner, Jack Slagle, 32⁰ KCCH, presented a brief presentation on the 32⁰ that was informative and well received. After dinner, the Knights of St. Andrew lead by First Knight, James Segerstrom, 32⁰, knighted four of our brothers.
For those enrolled in the Master Craftsman program or those who are interested, were are going to start a Master Craftsman group here that will be able to teach, help, mentor and administrate the course. John Rider, 32⁰ KCCH and I are going to co-chair the group. It will initially meet on the last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at the Shrine Center. If that is a conflict for some of the participants, other times will also be available. This will start in March. Let me know at of your interest at macsquest@aol.com or call the Office for additional details.
And last, but not least, this will be the last Scottish Rite News edited by Gary Whitlock, 32⁰. A job change necessitates this move. He has done an excellent job and made many changes that have improved the SR News. Our new format was his idea and his help with the emailing the publication has reduced our costs. We wish Gary well and we will still see him as a member of Santa Ana. Our new editor will be Daniel Willerton, 32⁰ and you can email him infor-mation for the April SR News at danielwillerton@yahoo.com.
See you on March 5th,
Bob McNamara, 32⁰ KCCH
Venerable Master