My Brothers,
The 2012 year rapidly came to a close. With it, my year as your Venerable Master is about to close. I have been truly honored to serve the Santa Ana Valley this past year. We witnessed many changes. The biggest one was our move to the DeMolay Center in Anaheim. Joining Long Beach Valley for our reunion was another. Our Century Club, Berry the Pig, CLC 365 Club and Recycling program continued to do well. Our Super Breakfasts made much needed profits for the Valley. And the Master Craftsman course produced more completions. The Maundy Thursday, Easter Observance and Feast of Tishri were held on the proper dates. All in all, I think we had a very success year and I am proud of officers and membership for making all of this happen. Thank you!
Our installation on January 13 will install our newly elected Venerable Master, Steve Bass, 32⁰ KCCH and a new corps of officers. I wish them well and am looking forward to their leadership.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Bob McNamara, 32⁰ KCCH
Venerable Master